The AGM will take place in Moray Place Gardens at EIS 4, Moray Place 6pm on Thursday 22nd June followed by a social drink for Feuars in the garden. Residents may attend but only Feuars (property owners) voting rights. Anyone wishing to vote on behalf of a Feuar should provide written authority to the secretaries at the start of the meeting:
We will be seeking nominations for new people interested in joining the committee either in 2023 or looking ahead to 2024 and partially looking for communications, digital and governance skills as well as horticultural expertise. A love of the gardens and willingness to take on voluntary roles is essential. We meet around 6 times a year plus sub groups and task groups. . If you would like to talk to someone about joining the committee contact one of the existing members – e mails on our contacts page,
Nominations for election to the committee, and any resolutions for consideration at the meeting, should be lodged with the secretaries at least two weeks before the meeting by 8th June when they will be posted on FACEBOOK and the notice board in Moray Place Gardens.
Whitelaw Wells,
9 Ainslie Place.
Tel: 226 5822
In advance of the AGM, our summer newsletter, AGM agenda and Garden Committee election details will arrive by post or into your email inbox . If you are no already on our e mail list and would like to help us lessen our carbon footprint and reduce the running costs, please opt for email communication by emailing Sandra at