Contact Us

If your need to contact relates to a particular issue, you may find direct email to the appropriate convenor easier, please use this link

If unsure or your enquiry is of a general nature, please contact our secretaries Whitelaw Wells using the form below:

We produce a bi annual newsletter and occasional mailings and would strongly encourage all Feuars and Residents to go paperless to help us reduce waste, pollution and raising costs*. Simply email Whitelaw Wells asking to be added to our emailed list.

Whitelaw Wells,
9 Ainslie Place, EH3 6AT
Tel: 0131 226 5822

*Costs of printing and posting an average mailout to the Feu costs approximately £340. each time.

Alternatively, please fill in the form below. Please fill out your name, email, phone and enquiry before pressing the submit button: